Personally, I think that Instagram is a very affective way to promote an artist because it is the most popular social media in terms of the most impactful audience which would be young people. Also, due to my experience of promotion my videos on Instagram, I think that you get a lot more out of promoting my projects on Instagram as it usually using the videos as adverts and a lot of people tend to pay attention to these things.
Facebook is also a very good social media platform to promote an artist as for things such as live performances as you can write a post and write the: time, place and date of your performances and then promote that specific post to get people to come to your gigs. Even though Facebook is a very good social media platform, in the recent years the younger generation has started using more Instagram and twitter which is why I think Instagram is probably the most influential in terms of promoting your self as a musician.
Touring is a very useful and effective way of promoting musicians as it allows fans from around the world to come and see a show of you and if possible to even meet you. Also, it is a way to also promote your music as fans can also bring parents and friends who might not necessarily listen to the musician but by the end of the gig they might gain fans from going on tour. Going on tour evidently helps with making money and having more money will help with: travelling, making music and promoting music online which has a big impact on the artists career.
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