Friday, 8 December 2017

Farz Song

For my composition, I started off using found sounds which I recorded on my phone which I them emailed to myself and imported it into Logic. I used the scissors tool to cut up specific parts of the file in order to structure them correctly. The found sound was rain pouring down, I used this sound as it generally creates some sort of tension and suspense. The genre my song revolves would be a Trap/R&B influence. When I cut up the found sound, I then used the Alt key to drag the rain sound and make it repeat itself in the first 4 bars.

After the 4 bars of pure rain, the beat is then introduced, I used the boutique kick drum with compression and slight reverb to create atmosphere. The beat goes on for four bars in which the piano is the introduced, I played two keys from the piano in which I then used a lower octave of the same melody to create a balance between high pitch and low pitch sounds. When adding those piano notes I quantized the notes 1/16th notes at 100%. When the melody continues, I used a snare on the off beat to create more of a trap and Rap effect on the song to make it sound melodic and catchy.

I then exported my song to sound cloud by bouncing the track and uploading it from my file, I then copied and pasted the link to my blog on the HTML section. Overall, I felt that the track was fairly easy to make, however, the main issues I encountered was finding a found sound that would work with my track. In future projects I will be more cautious with time and ask for help in terms of using effects and making the track sound professional.

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