Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Induction Gig Evaluation

In yesterday's performance, our band performed Billie Jean by Michael Jackson, all four singers managed to sing the song accurately and managed to stay in key and include emotion up to a certain extent. A lot of the performance went well, mainly the accuracy of the chords and vocal tone. However, a few times throughout the performance, there was a struggle in terms of harmonies in which some vocals stood out more than others, the negative thing about this is that it causes the harmonies not to be as smooth as they should be.

There was a lot of communication throughout the performance, for example, when it came to the bridge, we had purposefully pre-planned a change in tempo of the song to create some sort of tension and brightness particularly in the vocal and extended chords in which we all looked at each other and reminded ourselves on the change of tempo. On the build up to the performance, we had rehearsed a few times before going into the theatre. At sound check, generally as a band we were certainly confident, however, the harmonies could've most certainly been more accurate and smoother which we unfortunately didn't manage to show in the final performance. We had practiced a weeks before a couple of times in which we had given each band member parts to sing and we decided which part of the song flowed better for which singer.

In terms of engaging with the audience, our band showed a good amount of engagement with the audience particularly when it came to the pre-chorus of the song, as this was the build up to the chorus, it was the perfect time to show engagement.

Confidence was the main feature which the band generally managed to present, especially with one member of the band, Joe, he managed to show his dance moves confidentially and fearlessly. The band performance as a conclusion was a great performance as the audience also showed support by clapping and shouting.

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